Honeycommb is a community for community builders interested in the Honeycommb platform. The Honeycommb app not only allows you to connect with other community builders all over the world, it also allows you to experience the Honeycommb members application on your Android phone so that you can get a feel for the amazing user experience your community members will get. Primary features include;Home FeedWhere you get content from profiles you follow and groups youre a member of.Organized NetworkHoneycommb social networks go beyond one channel with groups and custom menu links you create.Member ProfilesCustomize your profile and connect with other community builders all over the world.Content CreationCreate text, multi-image, video, or livestream posts. @mentions, emoji, and hashtag friendly!LivestreamsJoin livestreams on community management from pros.EventsRSVP to events, either local, online, or livestream.Direct MessagingHave real-time conversations with other community builders in Honeycommb